A scrubber is an air-cleaning device that extracts toxic and/or corrosive components from a gas flow. These components are absorbed in a liquid and either discarded or if possible immediately transformed into biodegradable or recyclable products.
A safe and highly efficient way to clean your gas flows
One of our specialities is eliminating ethylene oxide and/or propylene oxide from vent flows of reactors or EO sterilizers. The pollutants are absorbed and converted into ethylene glycols and/or propylene glycols. Inherently, this transformation into glycols is a very slow reaction. However, thanks to our chemical and technical know-how we can create scrubbers that are compact yet ensure continuous operation. No time to waste!
Low operational costs
Compared to using activated carbon filters or an incinerator, scrubbers use little energy and require much less maintenance. Choosing automated absorption fluid renewal brings down operational costs even more.
Environmentally friendly option
The scrubber liquids that eliminate the pollutants (compositions depend on use) are internally circulated until they need to be renewed, which means water consumption is as low as possible.
Additionally, production waste does not have to be burned. Instead, the biodegradable output could be sold as raw materials to other businesses.
For over 30 years, Teblick has had a dedicated partner for scrubbers. Trevi Environmental is committed to engineering the optimal process, Teblick handles the mechanical engineering and construction.
We mostly engineer and manufacture 3 types of scrubbers. Which type or combination of types best suits your needs depends on the size of, and expected fluctuations in gas flow, as well as the type of contamination that needs to be eliminated. In short:
Teblick can be your ideal partner for a fully integrated treatment installation. In addition to scrubbers, we can provide tailored solutions for the production, storage, and dosing of all chemicals needed for optimal removal efficiency. Of course, we can also supply and install the required piping to transport the gas from its point of initial emission to our gas scrubber and ultimately the treated gas can be transported to its final emission point.