Plastic Constructions & Installations

Our services: full-circle


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Manufacturing & testing

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At Teblick, we have a strong mix of brawn and brains. Building on decades of experience, we are well-equipped to offer you a full circle of services. 

1. Our engineers are able to find solutions to even the most complex problems. The engineer remains the clients' point of contact from the quotation through to project completion. 

2. Our draftsmen translate this solution into a 3D model that is often not just functional and efficiently built, but also elegant looking. In this phase, they consider e.g. special transport requirements or limitations when an installation needs to be placed inside an existing building.  

3. Our craftsmen are the ones who turn the model into reality. After a successful factory acceptance test (FAT) we can transport the new installation to anywhere in the world.

4. Our mobile teams perform on-site installations, or execute entire projects on a clients' site (e.g. piping in a new building). We do this all over Belgium and abroad too. 

5. For select clients, we offer repair and maintenance services as well. 

Our staff adds up to a strong team, able to provide you with excellent service. Whether you are looking for a complete custom solution, or just the production and on-site installation of a construction - please get in touch and find out what we can do for you!

© Teblick 2024